Interested in spray foam or making your existing insulation perform like it should? Are you concerned about Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)? Do you have rooms that are too hot or too cold? Want to be more comfortable and save on your utility bills? Then AirTight360 is for you!
Our AirTight360 hybrid spray foam insulation solution is based on proven building science principles.
The Benefits of our Airtight360 Foam Insulation Solution:
Stay comfortable in your home all year long! Call Us Today at (404) 728-0001
*Minumum job size of $1,000 Second option: 5 years at 6.99%; A $5000 project would cost just $99/month! (Our average job is a little less than $4K)
Remove – If your home is over 10 years old, you may want to consider removing the old matted down, contaminated and ineffective insulation. We will inspect the attic to make sure it isn’t contaminated with rodent urine and feces. Our insulation removal machines are designed to safely remove the old, compressed insulation so you can get a clean start.
Sanitize – (Option) Who knows what has been in your attic over the years. You would certainly like to know that it is not only clean, but virtually germ-free. Once the old insulation has been removed, we will spray a germicide over the complete attic floor.
Spray Foam (Air Sealing) – We apply a low pressure spray foam to all the gaps, cracks and penetrations in your attic to keep the air you paid for in your home. If you do one thing to your home to improve comfort and energy efficiency, this is it! Air Sealing is more important than replacing your windows, more important than adding insulation, more important than virtually any other energy-saving improvement. It will pay you back year after year with additional comfort and energy savings every year. We do a Complete Air Seal which gives you the performance of encapsulating your attic in spray foam. A complete Air Seal needs to include: recessed lights, chases, top plates, plumbing and electrical penetrations, HVAC register boots, and the attic access.
Attic Ducts – For some crazy reason homebuilders place the ducts and HVAC systems in the most hostile environment in your home, the attic. Depending upon the age and condition of your duct work, they may be leaking as much as 40%. Think about it, 40% of the air you’re paying to heat or cool never makes it inside your home. By sealing the leaks, the conditioned air now goes where it’s supposed to, inside your home and with the additional duct insulation, it will arrive at the desired temperature.
Attic Insulation – We use premium fiberglass insulation. No formaldehyde, no boric acid, nothing but clean, fresh, new technology fiberglass. This is not your father’s fiberglass insulation. The Department of Energy recommends R38 – R60 (14 to 22 inches) for the Atlanta area. Arbor recommends R38 to R49 with our AirTight360 solution. This provides you with twice as much R-Value than you would get with a typical spray foamed attic!
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